----- Original Message -----
From: "David Douthitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Leaf-devel] Poll: Ladybug Architecture

> George Metz wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, David Douthitt wrote:
> >
> > <Snip!>
> >
> > >   * Tried to remove EVERYTHING and ANYTHING located
> > >     in root.lrp that required backups: thus, root.lrp
> > >     should be completely static for almost all purposes.
> > >     (if it isn't, I'm not done :)
> >
> > As a note, on the lazy side of things - since I am, first and foremost,
> > lazy SOB <g> - this means that any update to Oxygen's root.lrp can be
> > simply plugged in to any Oxygen-derived images and BANG, Derivative
> > updated. That's awfully appealing to me. =)
> Every good programmer is :)
> I'm thinking like this: grab your config.lrp, add it to a new Oxygen
> disk, and bang!  Instant update!
That's what I was dreaming for some weeks ago when I started the thread
about making a config.lrp

keep the pressure, David ;-)

> > > * Using a new glibc means you are no longer able to use a floppy
> > > (probably).
> >
> > Why? A stripped glibc 2.1.x setup only takes about a hundred to two
> > hundred kbytes more of disk space; if the only things on the disk are
> > root and etc LRPs, then there should be tons of space for it.
> Yes and no.  100k - 200k is HUGE!  However, the only things required to
> boot Oxygen is the syslinux overhead and root.lrp; the rest can be
> loaded over the network.
> Also, I've been leery of "stripped glibc" ever since I banged my head on
> ncurses from the get go.  First thing I did was replace Dave's stripped
> ncurses (in LRP) with a full ncurses 4 library.  All of a sudden
> everything worked :)
> > > * using a more up-to-date glibc - this is something to seriously
> > > consider, methinks.
> >
> > Aye.
> I've been wondering if newlib or something would implement everything
> but with basic functions - to provide full support for new libraries and
> functions, yet in a small package.  100k to 200k is too much for me - I
> don't have that much free space on disk! ...
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