On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, David Douthitt wrote:

> Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > The
> > technique I'm using to run LRP off a HDD root partition is to acutally run
> > the LRP startup scripts in a chrooted environment, creating a root
> > environment that is then simply mounted at the next boot (linuxrc is
> > modified to just exit after loading bootstrap modules if root is set to
> > something other than the ramdisk).
> Huh?  I don't understand.
> You and others run just fine off of a MSDOS formatted hard disk to
> which syslinux has been applied.  I've a IDE RAM disk that boots
> Oxygen right now, and it doesn't need a fancy chrooted environment or
> anything else.
> You must get something out of this unusual configuration and I'm just
> too dense to see it.

Can you say "no ramdisk"?

Let's all say it together... No Ramdisk.

Some people have other plans for ram.  The usual response has been "not
worth it... use a different distro."  I think Dave C's patches would be
inappropriate for such a system, so I tend to think adapting LRP backward 
probably doesn't make sense.  However, there was a post awhile back by
someone who figured out how to run an unpatched kernel with LRP, so it
may make sense at some point to omit the patches, and make non-ramdisk
startups a configuration option.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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