<sigh> This really should be a FAQ answer.

The Web server tells the browser what type of file a download is. For our
purposes here, the important types are text and binary. It's common for Web
servers to have text as their default types, and to use a list of filename
extensions to classify downloads. Since ".lrp" is not on any Web server's
out-of-the-box list of file extensions, it often gets sent as the default
"text" type.

Downloads to Unix/Linux systems typically survive this mistake. Downloads to
Windows systems typically do not because, for text-file downloads, the
browser converts Unix newlines (\n) to Windows newlines (\r\n). This makes
real text files much easier to work with on Windows systems, but ruins
binary files that are being downloaded as text.

Netscape exhibits this problem because Netscape is polite and follows the
html standards. So if a Web server says a file is text, trusting old
Netscape believes it and (for .lrp files) makes a mess. Cynical Microsoft
Internet Explorer, in contrast, knows full well that the world is full of
misconfigured servers, weird file extensions, and the like ... so it applies
some sort of test to the actual bitstream it receives to decide whether it
really is text or binary [I don't know the details of this test - does anyone?].

Consequently, the download problem only shows up under these three conditions:

        1. The source site has failed to add ".lrp" to its mime-type list
                (the list that identifies files that are not the default
        2. The download is going to a Windows workstation.
        3. The Windows worstation is using Netscape.

There is no "fix" except to change one of the above 3 conditions.

Mike -- wanna edit this into a FAQ entry?

At 08:38 AM 4/10/01 -0700, Scott C. Best wrote:
>       I too still have problems grabbing .lrp's with
>Netscape. I recall someone posting an explanation and a
>fix to the LRP list early last year, but it didn't take. :)
>> I tried again a download with netscape (with shift, right click etc) 
>> every time crc error, but after using internet explorer ( very unusual 
>> for me ;) ) there was no problem at all
>> So the problem was at my side  (don't understand why I have got a 
>> problem with Netscape this time)

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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