Morgan Reed, 2001-06-12 00:52 -0400
>This is an inital rough draft that I think/hope represents all of the
>ideas mentioned here.

It looks pretty good to me. For this to work we need all of our project 
admins and a strong majority of developers to sign it. If this can't be 
accomplished, I suggest that everyone do what they feel is best.

Personally, I'll probably follow Jacques and Ray, and unsubscribe from the 
linux-router list.

>I agree with Ray that some notibles have reamined silent, and if there
>cannot be a consensus, then so be it, and a statemnt dies on the vine.
>My intent in suggestion a letter was to avoid an nudrectd
>"counterstrike" made in haste.

Actually a lot of them have. I hope this discussion hasn't made them 
uncomfortable. If it has I'd like them to send email to me directly. If I 
get enough negative responses I'll make a suggestion on our list to drop 
the subject.

>Dear fellow LRP supporters, users and friends,
>Recently, one of the common web sites for Linux Router Project
>information was used for a purpose that was decidedly unrelated to LRP;
>instead, the domain name was exploited to make a political statement
>that had no bearing, except in the broadest interpretation, on anything
>connected to LRP.
>While we all support the concept and practice of free and open political
>speech, we do not, and cannot condone the use of an open source,
>community based project to support an individual member of the
>communities' political position.
>We believe that the global attention drawn to the LRP website is there
>because of all the participants, not just a single developer. We
>understand that the holder of the domain name can technically do as
>he/she wishes with the domain, but insofar as an open source project is
>conceptualized, written, supported and expanded by a truly diverse
>community, it seems wrong at the very core to essentially hijack the
>work of many to serve a single person's political goals.
>We hope this letter can serve a dual purpose; to let others know that
>the message that appeared on the website was not shared by (any/the vast
>majority) of us, and to show our disapproval for the abuse of the
>community trust placed in the domain name holder's hands.
>If a project is truly open source, then it can know no single political
>position, no single political ideology. It should, we believe, represent
>to everyone an example of how people from all places and walks of life
>can focus on a project that has no clear material gain, no self serving
>purpose and produce a remarkable product free for everyone to use and
>benefit from.


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