On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Mike Noyes wrote:

> Morgan Reed, 2001-06-12 00:52 -0400
> >This is an inital rough draft that I think/hope represents all of the
> >ideas mentioned here.
> Morgan,
> It looks pretty good to me. For this to work we need all of our project
> admins and a strong majority of developers to sign it. If this can't be
> accomplished, I suggest that everyone do what they feel is best.
> Personally, I'll probably follow Jacques and Ray, and unsubscribe from the
> linux-router list.

I think that this actually makes the wrong point. I think you cannot
criticize a _project_ for having political bias and/or a political agenda.
Free Software itself is inherently political; Its political nature is the
very ground that is being attacked so violently these days by the
Microsoft FUD machines. If you are wearing your LEAF project hats, you
have no right whatsoever to criticize what happened to linuxrouter.org, it
is only as a member of _that_ community that you can say "Hey, I'm also a
part of the LRP effort, and I don't agree with this political agenda!".
If, however, I were to put political propaganda for Alfred E. Neuman's
presidential campaign on the homepage of, say, the CISH project, you would
in my opinion have little right to complain unless if I was using your
source code ;)

My point: This is an LRP issue. Deal with it in LRP and try not to
generalize it into something larger. Abstaining from politics is politics
as well.


Head Development   --   Vuurwerk Internet   --   http://www.vuurwerk.nl/
Brainbench MVP Unix Programming, twisted artist and Free Software idiot.
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                                                * I need a mental stoma.

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