On 1/2/02 at 1:25 AM, David Douthitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using busybox 0.60.2 statically compiled with uClibc in a script
> being run by busybox ash.
> gunzip -c is returning a value of 153 in attempting to
> decompress a valid archive.  gunzip -t on the same archive
> immediately previous in the script returns a value of 0. 
> These archives are compressed with -9 and decompress fully
> and correctly in a different context.
> According to GNU gunzip docs, gunzip is only supposed to
> return 0, 1, or 2.  No error messages are produced by
> gunzip when it generates this error code of 153, and no
> messages are produced by ash either.
> This same error code (153) is being returned by mkfs.minix
> in another script in the same startup process.  No error
> messages are produced, and the messages that ARE produced
> are normal and expected messages.


> 3. Do I need to recompile busybox under Linux 2.4.16 to
> make this work?  I think it was compiled under 2.2.15...

I tried recompiling in a 2.4.3 environment; the original environment
was 2.2.16.  I did a "make clean && make" for uClibc and busybox (as
well as snarf, another statically linked binary I use).  Both busybox
and snarf grew several kilobytes.

This made no difference.  The runtime environment is 2.4.16.
David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Unixware, Linux

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