Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > Following problem:
> > Using Dachstein and creating a separate ramdisk /dev/ram1 for
> > /var/log malfunctions lrp.conf spacecheck.
> > I think the spacecheck intention is to monitor /var/log, cause there
> > are the most changes in file size during the routers lifetime and
> > running out of space in /var/log causes several errors - sshd won't
> > start, pppoe connections won't be established after disconnection
> > etc. - all leading to router which can't be controlled remotely.
> >
> > Further investigation showed that multicron-p only looks for / when
> > checking free space - which is useless, once you have a separate
> > ramdisk for /var/log.
> >
> > Dummy solution, and this is what I did:
> > add a parameter lrp_CHK_PART to lrp.conf and change multicron-p to
> > use $lrp_CHK_PART in lrp.conf updatefree()
> >
> > Enhanced solution:
> > lrp_CHK_PART should allow several partitions which will be checked
> > and free'ed or at least a sending a mail with mailadmin().
> Added to the list of things to fix for Dachstein 1.0.3
> I'll probably try to get the script to check *ALL* currently mounted,
> writable file-systems...maybe with an exclude variable in lrp.conf.  If this
> doesn't work, I can fallback to the Enhanced solution, above.

Correct me, if I'm wrong -- it won't be the first time today ;>

/etc/lrp.conf has a variable: lrp_SPACECHECK=YES/NO -- if YES, then --
and, only then -- /etc/cron.daily/multicron-d and its links can run
checkfreespace(), which calls updatefree(), &c.

Suppose, updatefree() returns a value for which ckfree() returns 0, then
-- and, only then -- cleanlevel() runs and prunes applicable files that
match the filter:       $lrp_SC_DEL_L$cklevel

But, *what* files can these be?  In /etc/lrp.conf -- by default -- we
see exclusively this:


Notice, *ALL* of these files -- by default -- reside in /var/log !!!

Since *only* files under /var/log can be pruned -- by default -- then,
why not modify updatefree() to say this:

        set -- $(df /var/log | sed -n 2p)

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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