On Friday 01 February 2002 17:52, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> KP Kirchdörfer wrote:
> > the backup destination of packages points by default to cdrom,
> > which is write-protected by technology...
> >
> > Could this be changed easily to default to /dev/fd0?
> >
> > Cosmetic change, I know, for leaf-die-hards, but something new user
> > might be disattracted.

One problem with this thought, if the cd packages are pointed to backup
to a floppy by default, what happens when the Newbie decides to backup
the entire disk to a floppy???

It's the chicken/egg question! Once you backup a package to a floppy and
load it during boot once, it will backup to the last place loaded
(ie... the floppy) and life will be great. Other side of the coin,
they keep trying to backup ~20Meg to a floppy and can't figure out why
it doesn't work!

Maybe the default way isn't any worse, it could be conceivably better
depending on you POV.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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