On 2/8/02 at 12:54 AM, Matt Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What does a hello world in FORTH look like?

: HELLO_WORLD ." Hello, World!" ;

> Maybe could you also post an example that asks 
> your full name then echos the first name and 
> last name on different lines?

Text processing is not a basic part of FORTH - remember this is a
low-level language like C (its main competition) or Assembly...

It's been too long since I programmed Forth; here's an example that
asks a name and echos it back.

: GREET CR ." What's your name?" S0 @ 40 EXPECT
     0 >IN ! 1 TEXT CR ." Hello, " PAD 40 -TRAILING
     TYPE ." , I speak FORTH." ;

> btw, for Java, the two examples are easier to make 
> as a gui app, but the answer for a terminal would be:

> Those would be compiled with:
>         javac *.java
> which creates Hello.class and Fullname.class.
> Those are the executables, and they are run with:
>         java Hello
>         java Fullname
> Java is very case sensative, and classes start
> with a capital letter.

FORTH was case-sensitive, but some modern versions are not.  FORTH is
an environment, not just a compiler - think of Smalltalk here.

The Forth prompt is:


(cute, eh?)  Comments are

( this is a FORTH comment - cute, eh?)


\ This is a one line comment....

The examples above define a new "word" that extends the language (by
using a : ....... ; construct) then execute it by name.

FORTH is what is called a "Threaded Language" - FORTH is made up of
pointers, or pointers to pointers.  The "interpreter" is constantly
resolving pointers.  In Modern Times, we have Postscript, OpenBOOT,
and the FreeBSD boot loader - all of which are FORTH or FORTH-like.

The corporation that embodies Forth - at least in terms of longevity,
and early language luminaries - is Forth, Inc, and they are still
going strong.  Forth, in fact, is strong in embedded systems - you can
get a complete Forth interpreter, with editor, assembler, and quite a
few other things in way less than 64k.  I can remember a 192k Apple II
multitasking under FORTH quite nicely....
David Douthitt
UNIX Systems Administrator
HP-UX, Unixware, Linux

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