At 2002-02-16 21:31 -0600, David Douthitt wrote:
>I was thinking one would run this script in a LEAF environment - and
>it would be set up by a developer, who defines what is needed.  Then
>you could boot Oxygen (or PacketFilter, or...) and run this script
>which tests the environment.

Exactly. Then I thought we could take this output, and use it to check  new 
packages for release/branch compatibility. The output could be placed in a 
text file, and parsed by another script that is designed to test packages. 
This new script wouldn't run from a LEAF environment. Instead, it would use 
a development environment.

A release/branch lead developer runs the environment test script on his/her 
release/branch. He then places the output files on our site. A package 
developer downloads the environment test script output files to a machine 
with the package test script. The package developer then tests his/her new 

$ foo.lrp
Testing foo.lrp ...
file structure: OK
program name: foo
program version: 1.00
libc version: 2.1.3
Checking compatibility with Oxygen...
   Parsing 1.9 output: yes
   Parsing 1.8 output: yes
   Parsing Dec.2000 output: no
Checking compatibility with Dachstein...
   Parsing 1.0.2 1680: no
   Parsing 1.0.2 CD: no

I thought it was possible to determine the libc version used for compiling 
a package. The program name and version may require package developer 

After the new package is tested by the script, a text file is generated 
that can be included with the package, or kept separate. The output would 
provide information similar to your package repository .desc file.

>Now if you could just generate this set of (command) requirements
>(and option requirements) on the fly from a script....

That would be nice. :-)
However, I don't think we'll see it any time soon, if ever. :-(


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