> My apologies for not responding more promptly to Lynn's
> original posting of the draft.
> I think it is too long.
> If you want everyone to read something *before* posting
> questions to the
> list, that something needs to be VERY concise, well written,
> and to the
> point, so newcomers are willing to take the time to read it.
> We can't compel
> them to read and follow this advice, after all (except by
> flaming people who
> don't follow it -- a practice I DO NOT ADVOCATE -- or by
> ignoring posts that
> depart too far from what we want -- something I do do personally).
> What follows is a DRASTIC rewrite, intended mainly to make
> the document
> short enough that people will actually read it (and perhaps
> even follow its
> guidance). It probably still is too long, so I'd encourage
> others to find
> additional stuff to remove, not more to add.

I've edited it for brevity. My suggestions begin with the "#" character.
Most are slight, but the overall reduction may be worthwhile.

> ############ start of FAQ  ##################################

> Q. If I want help troubleshooting a connectivity failure with my LEAF
# Q. If I want help troubleshooting a problem with my LEAF

> router, what information you you need from me?
# router, what information should I send?

> A. The exact information needed will vary by what trouble
> needs shooting.
> Before you post, you should check the LEAF FAQs to see if
> your question has
> a stock answer. Check it at URL
>         http://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=13751

> You should also be subscribing to the leaf-users mailing
# You should subscribe to the leaf-users mailing

> list, since some
> people with helpful knowledge will reply *only* to the list.
> Join it at URL
>         http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/leaf-user

> You may also want to search the list archives, to see if your
# Search the list archives, to see if your

> question has
> already been asked and answered (the FAQs are not always as
> up-to-date as we
> wish they were). Do this at URL
>         http://www.mail-archive.com/leaf-user@lists.sourceforge.net/

> When posting, please remember that we know only the things about your
# Please remember we only know what you

> system, and about you, that you tell us in your message. If you leave
# tell us in your message. If you leave

> something out because it is "obvious" or because you already
> checked it (or
> because you mentioned it in a message you sent a month ago),
> *we* don't know
> (or remember) that. And we have seen enough postings by
> people who were
> "sure" some part of their configuration was okay, and were
> wrong in that
> certainty, that we tend to be skeptics where detail is lacking.

> When you are ready to post, please keep in mind that you're
# Please keep in mind that you're

> asking for *free*

> technical support. Any help we offer you is an act of
# technical support. Any help we offer is an act of

> generosity, not an

> obligation. So try to make it as easy as you can for us to
# obligation. Try to make it easy for us to

> help you. Follow good, courteous practices in writing and

> formatting your e-mail. And provide the details we need to
# formatting your e-mail. Provide details

> be able to give you good answers.
# if you expect good answers.

> As a general matter, exact quoting of error messages, log entries,
# Exact quoting of error messages, log entries

> command output, and such, is better than your trying to paraphrase
# and other output is better than a paraphrase

> or summarize them.
# or summary.

> When asking for help with routing or firewalling questions, you should
# When asking for help with routing or firewalling questions,

> ALWAYS include this information:
>         the exact name of the LEAF distribution and version
> you are running.
>         the exact kernel version you are running ("uname -a").
>         the complete, exact output of "ip addr show".
>         the complete, exact output of "netstat -nr".
>         the exact wording of any "ping" failure responses

> (there are some FAQ entries to help you here).

> Depending on the specific problem, you may want to include
# Depending on the specific problem, include

> some or all of the following:
# some or all of:

>         the exact output of "lsmod"  [typically for
> NIC-related problems].
>         the exact output of "ipchains -nvL" [typically for
> firewall-related problems].
>         any messages from dhclient in your logs [typically for
>                 setup of DHCP-dynamic external connections].
>         any messages from ppp or pppoe in your logs [typically
>                 for setup of PPPoE-dynamic external connections].

> This is not an exhaustive list; we've tried here to cover only the
# This is not an exhaustive list; we've covered only the

> most common sorts of troubleshooting problems that we see. If you have

> a less common problem, or if you use an ISP that does something
# a less common problem, or you use an ISP that does something

> unusual, you may need to provide other specifics to get good help.
> As a general matter, please don't edit the diagnostic
> information in an attempt to conceal your IP address, netmask,
> a less common problem, or if you use an ISP that does something

> nameserver addresses, domain name, etc. These things aren't
# nameserver addresses, domain name, etc. These aren't

> secrets, and
> sometimes concealing them prevents us from spotting the problem.
# concealing them often misleads us.

> The one exception to this guideline is any file that includes
> a password. In these cases, please replace all password characters
> with the letter "x" (so it is clear that you made this change).

(the following replaces the preceding 3 lines)

#  Passwords are exceptions to the rule:  replace each password
#  with the letter "x".

> Assuming you are posting your message from a PC other than
> your LEAF system, you will need an easy way to get diagnostic
> information to the workstation you are using. The simplest way,
> usually, is via a floppy transfer. Here is how you do this.

(the following paragraph replaces the preceding one, though I'm not real
happy with either one)

# It isn't easy to post messages directly from a LEAF system, but it
# is easy to transfer diagnostic information to a floppy:

>         1.Format a spare 1440K MSDOS floppy as you normally
> would under
>                 DOS, Windows, or Linux. (Your floppies are
> probably already
>                 formatted this way.)
>         2.Remove the LEAF floppy and insert the new floppy in
> its place.
>         3.Mount the floppy on the LEAF system by running this command:
>                 # mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
>         4.Use the appropriate command(s) from the list above to copy
>                 information to text files on the floppy.
>                 Examples:
>                 # cp /var/log/messages /mnt/messages.txt
>                 # ip addr show > /mnt/address.txt
>                 # ipchains -nvL > /mnt/filter.txt
>         5.Unmount the floppy by running this command:
>                 # umount /mnt
>         6. Remove the floppy from your LEAF system.

> You should be able to take the files you have just put on your floppy
# At your workstation, open the files you have just put on your floppy

> and cut-and-paste them into a mailing-list e-mail. The
> details depend on the

> operating system and e-mail software you are using on your
workstation, but
# operating system and e-mail software you use, but

> we assume you are familiar with them.
> Acknowledgements
> Many people have contributed to the current or earlier
> versions of this
> answer, including:
> Ray Olszewski, Mike Noyes, Rick Onanian, Lynn Avants, Charles
> Steinkuehler,
> Jeff Newmiller, Gary Shea, Michelle Konzack, Wayne Fool,
> Jonathan French,
> Michael Leone, Dave Emmons, Bill Pierce, Chris Hill, and Paul
> Batozech.
> Apologies to anybody we missed.
> ############# end of FAQ ##################################

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