On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 10:37:48PM -0600, Spiro Philopoulos said:

> BTW, thanks to Simon Blake for his GRUB mini-howto.

You're most welcome.
> Procedure used for GRUB (in case it's useful for solving the problem):
> - Partition the HD. 100MB FAT16 partition is first partition on the drive.
> - Format the partitions.
> - Install an MBR using 'fdisk /MBR' from DOS boot disk (GRUB wouldn't work
> otherwise)

Hmm.  I've never had to do this - grub installs fine for me on compact
flash drives, without needing to fdisk on an MBR first.

> - Install GRUB stage binary images in /boot/grub/ on FAT partition, & edit
> menu.lst.
> - Install GRUB using the GRUB boot floppy:
>            root (hd0,0)
>            setup (hd0)

This sounds to me like you might have LBA/CHS dive geometry problems.
How big is the actual hard drive?  A procedure I've found works pretty
well for me is:

Configure your target disk as primary master

Configure another HD with the master LRP files as secondary master,
booting into DOS.

Have a Grub floppy available.

Configure the BIOS of the machine to boot floppy->hdd0->hdd1

Leave the floppy out, assuming there's no boot sector on the new disk,
it'll boot dos off your master disk, and it will become C: in DOS.

if the new disk needs FDISKing, then do so (generally compact flash
comes with a dos file system, so I don't bother), reboot, run 

format /s /u

on the new D: drive.  Copy LRP files across, copy menu.lst, stage1 and
stage2 to D:\grub.  You don't need stage1_5 (or at least, I've never
used it).

stick in the floppy, reboot off it, run the grub installer as above.

This seems to work well for me because lots of bios's seem to setup the
primary master differently from the secondary master - presumably
because it expects to have to boot off the primary master.  So muck
around with your LBA settings in your BIOS, and see if that helps.

YMMV, of course :-)


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