Hi Etienne

I don't consider myself a "guru", but being a member of the Bering uClibc team, I feel like I can voice my opinion nevertheless.

Now a survey ???

What would be the advantage and  drawbacks of  merging the Bering &
Bering-uclibc  distributions ?
Advantages would obviously be concentrating all efforts on one platform instead of two. Given the limited amount of developers available, that advantage may be considerable, but it's too early to judge - there may be a number of people waiting to get involved in Bering, that we just haven't heard of until now.
I guess the drawbacks are that so far, not all binaries compile against uClibc (but the number is getting smaller with each release). And also, developing for uClibc is a bit more difficult than for glibc 2.0, since there's no simple "install Debian xx" answer - even though there is work on creating a build environment to boot into (look at uclibc.org ad also at buildtool on CVS for details).

What would be the advantage and  drawbacks of  keeping the Bering &
Bering-uclibc  distributions separate ?
The obvious, I guess - never touch a running system. People who have a working Bering system would not have to worry about some new version. I can surely understand that people don't want to constantly mess with their firewalls (especially if it took some work to get everything just right), so being able to support the systems that are around would surely be a plus.

Having said that, to me, Bering uClibc seems like the only way to go - simply because glibc 2.0 is no longer receiving any updates, and it's just a matter of time until things will just not work with it anymore (just look at the mess NPTL has caused with "legacy" applications on the newer RedHat systems) - especially with kernel 2.6 being out, it's bound to happen that things will move on, and applications will rely on the newer infrastructure (which glibc 2.0 cannot accomodate).

I've looked at newer glibc versions, and they just won't work for a floppy (at least for a simple guy like me :-)). And while I may not need to run things from a floppy (all my leaf boxes run either from CD or CF), being able to boot from one or two floppy/floppies is still something that makes leaf very special - if one removes that, there are a ton of alternatives (Linux or BSD based) that will do the job just fine.

In short, I would like to see Bering to live on for quite a while, with enough developers helping Eric, so he doesn't burn out. I would also like to see more work being done _together_ (between the Bering and Bering uClibc crews), to make life easier for both Bering and Bering uClibc developers. If we can make use of eachother's work (like has been done for the kernel in the past), I think all sides will benefit.

Just my two Euro cents.


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