On Fri, 2004-01-16 at 12:06, Alex Rhomberg wrote:
> > Linux Embedded Appliance Framework (LEAF)
> >
> >     LEAF is an embedded network appliance framework delivered in
> >     branches. Branches are targeted at, but not limited to, the
> >     following appliance-oriented tasks: LAN/WAN router, Internet border
> >     router/firewall, wireless access point (WAP), and telemetry box.
> >
> >     (253 characters)
> Except for the Framework; I though that frameworks by
> definition don't do anything but just provide a framework that can be filled
> with your work. I wouldn't call LEAF a framework.

Last time we were discussing a project description change framework was
the best solution we came up with for replacing firewall. Neither
describe LEAF well. I'm open to suggestions for F in our acronym.

I think of a framework as a basic structure for creating things. Basic
structure can be nebulously defined as our development model, build
environment, and branch. Thing would be a network appliance-oriented

> Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall (LEAF)
>     LEAF is an embedded network appliance framework delivered in
>     branches. Branches are targeted at, but not limited to, the
>     following appliance-oriented tasks: LAN/WAN/Internet border
>     router/firewall, wireless access point (WAP), and VPN gateway.
>     (a bit less than 253 characters)

I like this. :-)

Are there any opinions, comments, or suggestions for the proposed
project description above?

Mike Noyes <mhnoyes at users.sourceforge.net>
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