Hi Ray and List
At 07:50 05.07.2004 -0700, Ray Olszewski wrote:
>At 08:36 AM 7/5/2004 +0200, Erich Titl wrote:
>After Mike posted the request yesterday, I took a look at this sub-project too. I 
>read it, and its limitations, exactly as you do, Erich. It's designed not to solve 
>the config problem by itself, but to provide a standard method to let package 
>maintainers ... who can be the upstream providers or distro packagers ... convert 
>config info maintained by LEAF into whatever formats the upstream packages expect.


>So, in concept at least, one could use this toolset to write both console and Web 
>interfaces that would collect settings changes from the system's operator and put 
>them in the database. (MIke's description of the project.) The act of updating the 
>database could also trigger the running of other scripts that used the system to 
>update other config files and to restart or re-HUP relevant apps. (The TRIG component 
>seems to do this.) These other scripts could also run at boot/init to extract 
>approproate values from the "official" LEAF database.
>Assuming the system itself works ... it's sat idle sufficiently long that someone 
>would have to test it and fix any bugs or omissions in the API ... its completion 
>would need to be followed by creation of scripts that (for example)
>        extract nameserver info and put it in /etc/resolv.conf
>        extract interface info and put it in (I think) /etc/network/interfaces
>        extract nameserver info and put it wherever dnscache expects to find it
>        extract DHCP *server* info and put it wherever DHCPD expects to find it
>        extract a lot of firewalling info, convert it to the formats that Shorewall 
> expects, and put it where Shorewall expects to find it. (This one is, I think, 
> pretty complicated, since iptables rulesets work as sets, not as individual rules; 
> order matters.
>        extract timeserver info and put it wherever ntpdate (or whatever ntp package 
> a distro uses) expects to find it
>(This part is, I believe, Erich's observation, just fleshed out with examples. But I 
>think we need conversion routines only to each package's own config files, not "to 
>*and* from" them as Erich writes. 

Mhhhh... I believe in the end the _true_ files, the ones that are actually used by the 
LEAF box (for example /etc/network/interfaces) should have precedence over the 
_config_ files, because those are the files that actually get loaded. IMHO the 
contents of these files should be parsed and the converted to the _config_ values 
which could then be used in a standardized way.

>The idea is to force everything to use this config  database, not just to make it 
>another option. 

This is achieved easily by letting the _config_ package just manipulate the config 
database. The above mentioned method just makes sure that all manual modifications get 
passed back to the database, e.g. If I modify the network configuration manually (bad 
habit) and then save etc.lrp and go home, the next poor luser that uses the 
configuration UI will get wrong information eeeek... 

>If we don't force that, then we've let package creators break the config UI again.)


>More fundamentally, though, it is unclear to me if the complexity of this API buys us 
>valuable flexibility. It would help if someone involved in its design disccussed the 
>dseign philosophy it represents. This is more than man-page descriptions of the API 
>and a proposed Bering hierarchy.
>Just to pick an obvious example, I can't tell from the docs in the package how one 
>would tell the system to use a firewall package other than Shorewall.
>Similarly, I did not see how (or even if) the system would provide for the selection 
>and installation of kernel modules (for non-standard NICs). The config system may by 
>design stop short of handling this; I just can't tell from what is there.
>Finally, the Shorewall section of the draft hierarchy is pretty sketchy. Some 
>examples here would help. How, for instance, would one add entries related to port 
>forwarding? The examples should address both standard services and oddball ones.
>These three are only examples. We'd need to go over the draft Bering hierarchy fot 
>the database to figure out what is needed and how to provide it in a way that does 
>not hogtie us when new packages, ones that require both existing and new information, 
>come on the scene.
>What I am afraid of here is that this API does what all too many Linux projects do 
>... replaces a complex but familiar interface with an equally complex but novel one. 
>This sort of change is rarely a win ... I always see it as just one more thing to 
>learn ... and I think it would not be a win for LEAF in this instance. I may be 
>wrong, though ... this API may offer excellent flexibility for a low price, and I'm 
>just ot seeing how. So I'd like better to understand the intent of its designers, to 
>get a handle on this uncertainty.
>Although I remember seeing some passing references to this sub-project as year or two 
>ago on one or another leaf-* list, I don't remember any in-depth discussion of the 
>design philosophy or details, so I assume that much has taken place off-list among 
>the sub-project's active developers. Any new development team would want  to see that 
>discussion, I think, or at least have it summarized by someone from the old team who 
>is still around.
>The other option is to define a far less ambitious database standard, but one that 
>has far greater ease of use ... something much closer to the existing lrpkg system, 
>but a bit less weird to edit and a bit more complete in contents. Were I to do 
>something like that, I would start by defining a UI for the system -- an updated 
>version of Weblet, or perhaps a set of console screens -- to figure out what 
>information we expect a user to enter (or modify), and what the system should figure 
>out on its own. (Postings from self-identified "newbies", like the one I responded to 
>on leaf-user last week, are a good source for learning what naive users expect to 
>need to do, and what they find puzzling or unneeded.)

I believe for the sake of a more modern UI we need a standardized API to store and 
retrieve config parameters. I believe also that we need the agreement of the 
developers involved to move towards such an API, just because they will have to 
maintain interface code for it.


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