Mike Noyes wrote:

On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 11:25, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
Mike Noyes wrote:

> Eric de Thouars,
> Can RDD work through a secure serial line?

Define "secure serial line".

A machine isolated from the network through a serial line connection for logging purposes.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02404.html

        Issue 74: Secure Logging Over a Network

OK, I'm going to make some assumptions about this sort of setup, mainly that you've configured the LEAF box to spit out logging data on the serial line, and you've got an otherwise unconnected box at the far end of the serial link that's just collecting and logging the data. I'm also assuming you want to run RRD on the logging box, not on the LEAF box.

In this sort of setup, there's mainly one-way connectivity (the LEAF box spitting serial log messages to the logging box), which is what you want.

Since you can't run arbitrary commands or communicate via networking, if you want to monitor the 'health' of the LEAF box (without adding a seperate, network connected monitoring box, which is what I'd probably do), you first need to setup something on the leaf box that dumps the desired information into the log file, which could be as simple as a crontab entry, ie:

  */5 * * * * root logger -t mydata `uptime`

would spit out uptime and load average every 5 minutes.

On the logging system, you'll need to setup something to extract the desired data from the logs and feed it to RRD, MRTG, or whatever other analysis tool you want to use (this excercise is left for the reader :-).

Charles Steinkuehler

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