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K.-P. Kirchdörfer wrote:

| Am Dienstag, 22. März 2005 17:33 schrieb Charles Steinkuehler:
|> What's the easiest way to 'tinker' with creating a new package?  It
|> looks like I need to put the initial package files online via http
|> or viewcvs, and add an appropriate <server> section to
|> conf/sources.cfg.
|> Is this correct, or is there support for 'local', or file:// type
|> of access, so I could just make a local "repository" with the
|> source tarball and buildtool config files, and not hassle with
|> network downloads?
| A quick'n'dirty solution is to create a directory for your app in
| buildtool/sources
| like
| buildtool/sources/rsync
| Copy your source tgz into that dir and create there buildtool.mk and
| buildtool.cfg (you may copy existing ones and change as needed).
| You'll have to add the new package to conf/sources.cfg like any other
| - don't bother about server/network stuff  - with all needed files
| in sources/yourpackage it will not try to download again.

Thanks...I didn't realize it wouldn't try downloading if the files are
already there.

So far, the only thing that seems odd about buildtool is the centralized
file with all the servers, sources, and packages (conf/sources.cfg).  The
files for building each package are already seperated per-package, so it
seems like this should be multiple files and/or directories as well, ie:

~  conf/servers        <- File with server entries
~  conf/pagkages/      <- Directory
~  conf/packages/mypkg <- Single entry
~  conf/sources/       <- Directory
~  conf/sources/mysrc  <- Single entry

...but I have no idea how easy/hard this would be in perl (yes, I've fallen
to the point of suggesting new features/functions w/o offering any coding
assistance! :).  It just seems that having to modify the entire sources.cfg
file to add/remove a package is going to get cumbersome eventually...

| If you like, I can send you the rsync setup and the corresponding
| entry for sources.cfg as example.

Please do.

Also, what's the preferred method to provide files for a new package so they
can be included in CVS?  A tgz file of sources/pkg and a diff of
conf/sources.cfg, or some other method?

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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