Hash: SHA1

Martin Hejl wrote:

|> - - Customize package(s) (ie: unique compile-time options or similar)
| Well, as long as you don't want upstream changes to be integrated in
| your modified version (see below for that topic), you can do that by
| separating the sourcing from the build - run "buildtool.pl source
| packagename" first, make your modifications, run "buildtool.pl srcclean
| packagename" (to make sure all your changes are taken into
| consideration, especially if autoconf is incolved).
| After that, run "./buildtool.pl build packagename", the sources should
| be compiled including your changes.
| But this approach doesn't work for integrating upstream changes into
| your setup.

Thinking about this some more, I think this could be handled like a 'new'
package that would start as a 'clone' of an existing package (ie: myash
instead of ash).  Local mods could be handled with CVS or SVN the same way
you'd track vendor releases.

|> - - Re-target downloads to a local repository or mirror (to verify complete
|> independence from SF or leaf-project.org, and to control exactly which
|> version(s) of packages are used for an 'in-house' release).
| That should actually be possible, at least for the packages we've
| cleaned up already. Once everything is cleaned up, there should not be
| any redundant server definitions - so changing the cvs-sourceforge
| server definition in conf/sources.cfg to point to your mirror should
| make every package definition use that mirror server (at least, where
| cvs-sourceforge is used, and where we've removed all redundancies - if
| you spot a package where this isn't the case, please let us know).

Do you mean like how bash/buildtool.cfg has a <Server cvs-sourceforge>
section, but etc/buildtool.cfg doesn't?  If so, I've provided a grep of all
app/<pkg>/buildtool.cfg files that contain a <Server> tag (circa March 14)
after my sig.  The checkout of the apps directory took less than a
minute...it's occasionally handy to have the full CVS archive available on a
local machine!. :)

| I hope that clarifies a bit.

Yes...thanks for all the pointers!

- --
Charles Steinkuehler

naibed:/home/leaf/src/bering-uclibc/apps# grep -A 1 '<Server' */buildtool.cfg
ash/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
ash/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
automake/buildtool.cfg:<Server gnu>
automake/buildtool.cfg-  Type = ftp
- --
bash/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
bash/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
beep/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
beep/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
bison/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
bison/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
bpalogin/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
bpalogin/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
bridge-utils/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
bridge-utils/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
buildenv/buildtool.cfg:<Server ftp.gnu.org>
buildenv/buildtool.cfg-        Type = http
- --
buildenv/buildtool.cfg:<Server gcc.mirror>
buildenv/buildtool.cfg- Type = ftp
- --
buildenv/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
buildenv/buildtool.cfg-        Type = viewcvs
- --
buildenv/buildtool.cfg:<Server kernel.org>
buildenv/buildtool.cfg- Type = http
- --
buildenv/buildtool.cfg:<Server uclibc.org>
buildenv/buildtool.cfg-        Type = http
- --
flex/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
flex/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
hdsupp/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
hdsupp/buildtool.cfg-    Type = viewcvs
- --
iptraf/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
iptraf/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
kgcc/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
kgcc/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
kgcc/buildtool.cfg:<Server gnu>
kgcc/buildtool.cfg-  Type = ftp
- --
libgcc/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
libgcc/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
libgmp3/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
libgmp3/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
libpthread/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
libpthread/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
libtool/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
libtool/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
linux/buildtool.cfg:<Server kernel.org>
linux/buildtool.cfg-    Type = http
- --
local/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
local/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
log/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
log/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
lrpstat/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
lrpstat/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
mawk/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
mawk/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
mgetty/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
mgetty/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
nasm/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
nasm/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
ncurses/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
ncurses/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
net-tools/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
net-tools/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
ntp/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
ntp/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
nttcp/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
nttcp/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
openssl/buildtool.cfg:<Server openssl>
openssl/buildtool.cfg-  Type = http
- --
openvpn20/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
openvpn20/buildtool.cfg-        Type = viewcvs
- --
p9100/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
p9100/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
pmacctd/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
pmacctd/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
procps/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
procps/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
radvd/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
radvd/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
root/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
root/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
sed/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
sed/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
ser2net/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
ser2net/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
squid/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
squid/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
sysklogd/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
sysklogd/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
syslinux/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
syslinux/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
syslinux/buildtool.cfg:<Server kernel.org>
syslinux/buildtool.cfg-  Type = http
- --
sysmon/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
sysmon/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
sysvinit/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
sysvinit/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
tftp-hpa/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
tftp-hpa/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
tinyproxy/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
tinyproxy/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
vlan/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
vlan/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
watchdog_lrp/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
watchdog_lrp/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
webipv6/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
webipv6/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
webwlan/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
webwlan/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
- --
wrap1c/buildtool.cfg:<Server cvs-sourceforge>
wrap1c/buildtool.cfg-  Type = viewcvs
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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