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Eric Spakman wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> The problem with this kind of tools is that they expect a real USB-key
> available with a certain size. The problem is that we need to create and
> image where a few aspects are uncertain:
> -The size of the usb-key (Mbytes)
> -Geometry
> We need a generic tool which creates a bootable image that can be
> installed on any USB key.

IIRC, a USB keys can be formatted as a "floppy" type device (ie: one
partition), or as a HDD (ie: 4 primary partitions).

It should be possible to make an image that has an HDD partition table
with a smallish (ie: maybe 8 Megs or so, still a *LOT* bigger than a
floppy) FAT partition containing the boot files as the first partition.
 The remaining space could be unused, or formatted and used once the
LEAF system was up and running.

This should make it unnecessary to know the size of the USB key (as long
as the key is bigger than the boot partition size).  The geometry issue
shouldn't generally be a problem...the CHS geometry of the FAT
filesystem is essentially embedded in the partition table, so would be
written when the image is burned onto the USB key.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
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