Hi there!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Natanael Copa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I have been working on something that could turn into 
> something that could satisfy this desire of playing with 
> newer stuff. It has went under the codename "Alpine" and have 
> been mentioned here in the list.
> So my question is: Are there any interest in a new branch in 
> LEAF? (I mean anyone more than Mike Noyes ;)

I'm willing to give it a go, by testing and providing feedback
if it becomes a LEAF project.

> My personal opinion is that cooperation is better than 
> competition, but it looks like there is need for something 
> beside uclibc-bering at this point.

Competition often leads into innovation, but in our case it
is more of an alternative solution.

At this time, Bering uClibc fulfills all of my personal needs,
but as I said, i'm willing to give it a try.

> What do you think?

As a conclusion, i'm looking forward to it.

Maybe you'll come up with solutions that bypass the problems
we have had in the past while testing the 2.6 kernel series.
And if still fits on a floppy that is a big plus.

Luis Correia   
Bering uClibc Team Member

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