On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 15:23, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> Mike Noyes wrote:
> > Pending: 
> >         * feedback on shell code in doc-build.sh
> I finally got a few free minutes to look at this.

Thank you for helping. :-)

> Your script looks very clean except for one issue with the check_errors
> function.  You're removing the lockfile in this routine, which is
> required for expected operation if one of the document building commands
> fails.  You are also using the check_errors procedure for testing
> whether the lockfile generation worked or not.  That means if you run
> this script while another instance is already running, it will not be
> able to grab the lockfile, but will then forcibly remove the lockfile
> without owning it (a BadThing :).
> It looks like the easiest way to handle this is to special case the
> create_lockfile error checking (ie: put the logic inside the
> create_lockfile function).  If you want the lockfile forcibly grabbed
> after some amount of time (ie: 8 to 24 hours or so...something that's
> much longer than document generation should normally take), you can do
> this with the -l switch, ie:
>   lockfile -l 72000 ...
> would force removal of any existing lockfile older than 20 hours.

Ok. I made the changes in doc-build.sh r1.8. I hope I did it correctly.

Mike Noyes <mhnoyes at users.sourceforge.net>
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