Arne Bernin wrote:

>On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 07:54 +0200, Andrea Fino wrote:
>>Wll, at least I am not alone :).
>No, you are not. Unfortunatly i was not able to reproduce it until now,
>and i am running Debian sarge, too...
>>Yesterday I did some test (as said I am running a debian sarge). So, I 
>>think the problem is in the include statement of 
>>What happens: is really run only the first time. A very easy workaround 
>>is to change in:
>>#include .... common.cfg
>>#include ....common1.cfg
>>#include  ...common2.cfg
>>and so on. Simply create links with ln, and all initrd packages are 
>>built correctly (with ash, linuxrc, uclib and so on).
>>Don't know why, but the problem has to be in Config::General 
>>somewhere...... (or it's use from
>That was my first thought after reading it. I must admit i used the same
>version of Config::General as Debian sarge (2.27), but checked out
>directly from cpan. But after removing it and installing
>libconfig-general-perl from debian sarge, nothing changed, so everything
>IS working on my sarge...I will try it with ubuntu.
I have this:
libconfig-general-perl 2.31-2

tried getting from cpan, the same.... It's not a regular system, but 
chrooted from/with debootstrap....


Andrea Fino 8-) - "Sistemi su misura di qualita' industriale"
      "Handcrafted systems with industrial quality"
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