On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 23:39 +0200, Eric Spakman wrote:
> Hello list,
> The Bering-uClibc crew is working on a new config/backup system. In this
> system config changes are no longer saved in the package itself but in a
> seperate "configdb" package. The same is true for modules, which are saved
> in a "moddb" package.
> This is done because several users suggested to split the configuration
> from the binaries.
> The config system only saves the changed files, keeping the overhead to a
> minumum. It is partly based on apkg by Nathan and Nathaneal.

Cool... :-) I guess its mostly Nathans work.

> It works as follows (somewhat simplified):
> -At startup (pre-init) the sha1-sums of files listed in a <package>.local
> file are calculated and saved in a <package>.sha1 file. The files listed
> in <package>.local are user changable files like config files and f.e.
> ssh-keys
> -At backup time the contents of the <package>.sha1 is compared with the
> actual files on the system and only the changed files are backuped.
> This is done for all packages on the system and only one "configdb" is
> created with changes from all packages. It's also dynamic so files no
> longer available on the system (the package is removed) will be removed
> from it.

This is really interesting. I have been working on something very
similar on the alpine linux project (http://alpinelinux.org). I think
the concept is basicly the same so I'd like to share how we were

First, splitting configs from binaries are essensial for upgrading.
Second, you are normally not interested in configs per package but more
configs per host, which leads to 1 config backup per host. It Looks like
thats what you found out too.

Second, we found out that all that actually got saved on the floppy, was
all found in /etc direcotory. I think there was one pacakge (ppp) that
needed to backup something in from /var but it was really config files
that belongs in /etc. So the conlusion was, you only need to backup
things in /etc. If you need to save things in /var, then you actually
need a harddrive and are using the wrong tool for th task.

This leads us to: create checksums (or save "status")  of everything
in /etc during package installation (during boot in other words). This
is the "default", or "pristine" database. Do your changes in /etc. Then
compare current /etc with the recorded status. Now you know what you
need to backup (and thus don't really need the .local files)

Nathan wrote a simple file integration checker
(http://sfic.sourceforge.net) that could recursively prase a directory,
and then saves the filesizes, create/mod times, permissions, checksums
etc in a tdb database (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdb) I wrote a
wrapper script, a local backup manager that do the check and creates a
tar archive on floppy. The local backup utility (lbu) is inspired by svn
and works pretty much similar.

lbu status - will list all changes shince last commit to floppy. "lbu
status -a" will show all the changes.

lbu commit floppy - will save all the modified files to a tar archine on
floppy(you can also do a "lbu commit usb" to save to usb stick instead
of floppy)

lbu add - will add a file manually to the backup list (if you need to
backup something thats outside /etc)

Funny think is I got it working at the end of last week actually.

> Some of the advantages:
> -Upgrading should be easier in most cases (config is preserved)

I'm (currently) using apk-tools for the alpine project. It supports
package upgrades. apk_add -u <package>. It will look for config files,
backup, and then install the new config file as .apk-new and preserve
the original one. It also updates the default/pristine database so next
time you do a "lbu commit" it won't backup files that are identical to
the new, updated config files.

Then it should be possible to parse the /etc dir and look for .apk-new
files, run a diff and merge in changes. (like gentoo's etc-update or
freebsd's mergemaster)

> -It is possible to create specific "configd" and "moddb" packages for
> specific hardware or functionality without creating special packages
> (WRAP, ...)
> -The packages are "static", so no more corruption or "growing" root.lrp
> -<package>.list and <package>.exclude.list can be removed

We even removed <package>.local, since every config files should live
in /etc.

> Because this system creates some package incompatibility (no more .list
> files) we plan to do this with an uClibc upgrade (which isn't backwards
> compatible also). The changes are not very drastic and relative easy
> implemented in buildtool, so we could make the change without a lot of
> effort.
> Comments?

If you are interested in testing the very same concept, but without
any .local files and using Nathan's sfic utility, you can download the
latest beta of alpine.


(warning! it's 137 MB on a 2Mbit shdsl line)

You can also try run it from USB:


Since the documetation is not so good, here are the basics to get

To list available packages: 
  apk_fetch -lv

To install a package:
  apk_add <package>

To configure the basics (incl networking):

Try add/delete/modify anything in /etc, then run:
  lbu -h
  lbu status
  lbu commit -h
  lbu commit -n floppy

Natanael Copa

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