On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 23:34 +0100, Per Sjoholm wrote:
> On 2010-11-29 22:52, Andrew wrote:
> > 29.11.2010 23:32, Per Sjoholm пишет:
> >> Hi
> >> I been trying to make a diskimage with a fat32 partition for use with 
> >> virtualbox or qemu.
> >>
> >> Bering-uClibc_4.0-beta1_i486_syslinux_vga.tar.gz and installation 
> >> instruction for usb/CF
> >> assumes a partition.
> >>
> >> My idee was to configure leaf using a virtual environment and then write 
> >> the image to a media.
> >>
> >>
> >> Any suggestion on how create a diskimage and a best practice for using 
> >> qemu or virtualbox?
> >>
> >> I can update the wiki(need permission)
> >>
> >> /Per
> > LEAF has syslinux, fdisk and mkfs.vfat; so you may boot from CD image,
> > load required packages (hdsupp, possible something else), and create
> > partition&  make it bootable; then - extract here tarball.
> > But IMHO it'll be better not to write full image, it'll be better to
> > make system (syslinux) partition and place here all distro by packages.
> >
> Yes, I have done it with cdrom/iso image and floppy.
> On floppy you have the device and no partition.
> We are leaving floppies.
> On usb and hd/CF-card you want to use partitions.
> One for system and for one  configuration, possible more depending on usage.
> With
> syslinux  bering.img
> The configuration in tarball assumes /dev/sda1 (a vfat partition).
> syslinux on diskimage with no partition will boot.
> But LINUXRC does not find the configurations(leaf.cfg) as no /dev/sda1.
> Either some one prepare a empty image (for download) with a partition and 
> instruktion on how to mount and copy 
> files(tarball) to it.
> Or better(IMHO) a instruction for creating  image with partitions from 
> scratch, mounting partitions and copy tarball.
> /Per

Hi Per,

I have been thinking about distributing a "raw" disk image (like the old
floppy disk image) in addition to the .tar.gz for syslinux images, so I
have some ideas / notes from a few days ago. Something is wrong with the
procedure because the disk image does not boot with qemu, but you may be
able to find the problem and fix it...

I presume you are running Linux :-)
You need to be "root" for (some of) the following commands.

Create a blank image file 64MB in size:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1024k count=0 seek=64

Get the name of the next available loopback device
    losetup -f
(Adjust the following commands if this is *not* /dev/loop0)

Connect the whole-disk image as a loopback device 
    losetup /dev/loop0 disk.img

Populate the Master Boot Record on the disk image
    dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/loop0 bs=440 count=1

Create a blank partition table on the disk image
    parted -s /dev/loop0 "mklabel msdos"

Create a partition occupying the whole disk; bootable; not lba
    parted -s /dev/loop0 "mkpart primary fat32 1s -1s"
    parted -s /dev/loop0 "set 1 boot on"
    parted -s /dev/loop0 "set 1 lba off"

Disconnect the whole-disk image as a loopback device
    losetup -d /dev/loop0

Now connect the *partition* image as a loopback device
    losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop0 disk.img

Format the partition
    mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n LEAF_BUC4 /dev/loop0

Install the SYSLINUX boot loader on the partition
    syslinux /dev/loop0

Mount the partition at /mnt
    mount /dev/loop0 /mnt

Extract the Bering-uClibc .tar.gz
    cd /mnt
    tar -xvzf

Unmount the partition
    cd $HOME
    umount /mnt

Disconnect the partition image as a loopback device
    losetup -d /dev/loop0

Fire up the VM
    qemu disk.img
Hangs at "Booting from Hard Disk... :-(

You may have more success using qemu-img to create the initial image, or
fdisk rather than parted...


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