Le 24/10/2012 10:59, Andrew a écrit :
> Hi.
> Before we decided to announce 5.0-alpha (because there is active
> development process, and before release we may decide to upgrade
> kernel/uClibc/toolchain, + we still not have working cross-compiled
> image for non-x86 arch - for ex., some SOHO MIPS router).
For the kernel i vote for the 3.6 series that is now stable and have 
network optimisations.
For uClibc we can use the latest stable version (the one we 
currently use).
For the toolchain perhaps it will be great to let users add their own 
toolchain. Now we can have flexible configurations.
For example, i have a soekris net6501 (atom E6xx) and i want to make an 
optimize toolchain/kernel for it. I don't think you want to have the 
files in the public repository because it's too specific.
One idea that i have is to add a new variable ie: $USER_DIR_CONFIG that 
will contain the path to configurations for local user which is a 
directory external to the buildtool directory.

After that in MasterInclude.mk we can add:
ifneq ($(USER_DIR_CONFIG),)
include $(USER_DIR_CONFIG)/make/toolchain/*.mk

and add in conf/sources.cfg:
?include $(USER_DIR_CONFIG)/conf/sources.cfg

and in the package buildimage.cfg (for example for linux):
?include $(USER_DIR_CONFIG)/repo/linux/buildimage.cfg

that will contain something like:
<File Bering-$(KernelVersion).config-net6501.patch>
     Server = userrepo
     Directory = linux
     envname = LINUX_CONFPATCH-net6501
     Revision = HEAD

and finaly in conf/servers.cfg:
?include  $(USER_DIR_CONFIG)/conf/servers.cfg

that contain:
<Server userrepo>
         Type = filesymlnk
         Serverpath = $(USER_DIR_CONFIG)/repo

This is the idea (i don't have test it but it must works).

What do you think about that ?


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