I used to feel that "its only my home box" until someone did mess with my
system. Then I started to track how much time I had invested in building
and tweaking it.

Now I make sure it is secure because a) there *is* stuff on there that is
valuable to me, and b)I missed 2 weeks worth of evenings with my family to
correct the problem.


David B. Cook, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux -- up 48 days because it can.
8:01am up 48 days, 5:21, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Dean Moreton wrote:

> hey thanks for the advice, only problem is my lrp disk is full. Ive always wanted to 
>add ssh to it but theres not enough room for it.  Im not too fussed about it being 
>too secure as its only my home box so theres nothing too important on it.  Is there 
>away you can tunnel it without ssh??
> >I would use SSHD on the LRP and tunnel VNC through SSH.  You'd establish the
> >ssh connection to your LRP with tunnels set up (For a Windoze clt, I'd use
> >SecureCRT if you use the SSH1 package (30 day free trial which you can
> >reload), and SSH Communications software with an individual license if you
> >use the SSH2 package -- it doesn't let you do tunnels to SSH1 servers).
> >
> >I use it myself and it works great.
> >
> >
> >mike.
> >Hi, im using a modified version of Eigersteinbeta 2 with a pppoe package.
> >What id like to achieve is to be able to vnc into a machine on my internal
> >network through my lrp box from an external ip (i.e work). I take it this
> >will require some modifying of the ip ruleset i.e port forwarding etc. Is
> >there a howto someone could point me to? My external ip is dynamic so i
> >guess using mail to email me my ip is the way to go.  Is the fact that my
> >internal machines are dhcp assigned a problem for forwarding the vnc stuff
> >through to a specific machine or do i just static assign an ip to the
> >machine running vnc? Any suggestions/help would be appreciated, im a bit
> >new to this stuff
> >
> >Cheers
> >Dean

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