Thanks, Tom! That was it. I rewrote the script in ae,
and it worked immediately.

--- Tom Eastep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Monday 25 June 2001 07:35 am, Richard Lohman
> wrote:
> > The space preceeding the !/bin/sh has been
> corrected,
> > but I'm still getting the not found errors. When
> the
> > system boots, the last thing that happens prior to
> the
> > script is that Seawall is run. Here is a
> > brief clip of the screen:
> >
> >
> > ...
> > Defining Seawall Chain
> > done.
> >
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> > : not found
> >
> > Starting /usr/bin/dnscache...
> > ...
> These are the symptoms of a shell script whose lines
> are terminated with CRLF.
> -Tom
> -- 
> Tom Eastep          \ 
> ICQ #60745924        \
> Shoreline, Washington

| Richard J. Lohman        | If you always do what you've |
| Net. Engr./Asst Director | always done, you'll always   |
| Data Processing Dept.    | get what you've always       |
| Porter County, IN        | got.                         |

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