> > Anyone know of an extended-precision shell-script math library before I
> > off and write one?
> After years and years of Perl programming, I've recently returned to my
> roots: awk, sed and shell.
> I often use sed in shell scripting, because it gives me better control
> over regexp's than grep.  O, how quickly I forgot the power of awk!
> ``... all numeric values are represented within awk in double-precision
> floating point.''
> O boy, is that sucker fast -- compared to myriads of calls to sed!  It
> may take a different way of looking at your math problems; but,
> especially with awk's powerful matrix handling, I suggest -- strongly --
> that you consider awk for this job.  I vaguely remember a ksh extended
> precision math library; but, that url no longer functions.  And, [b]ash
> is *not* ksh!  No matter what math routines you find or develop, I
> seriously doubt that you will compete with the already compiled speed of
> awk . . .

I would love to use something off the shelf like awk, or even dc, but I
don't really want to add another 25K (dc) to 100K (mawk) binary just to do
some simple addition and subtraction on byte/packet counts, since I think a
lot of folks running on floppy would still like to use this, and most floppy
installs are pretty pressed for size...

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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