hi jack, hi all

> Seriously, how are you determining that the rules aren't applying?
I turned on FAIRQ/QoS on eth0 and txqlen is not set. I mean, i set
eth0_TXQLEN to 500 and run svi network reload. If i look at the output from
"ip addr", txqlen of eth0 is still 100 (standard setting). I assume that all
other parameters are not set too, then.
I also checked Charles network script which reads network.conf. only
interfaces in $IF_LIST (which is the same as $IF_AUTO because every
network.conf is like this: IF_LIST="$IF_AUTO") are configured by
/etc/init.d/network. or am i wrong?

thank you for your example. do you have experiences with turning QoS on on
the internal interface to queue incoming traffic?

Have a nice weekend

Sandro Minola           | LEAF Developer (http://leaf.sourceforge.net)
http://www.minola.ch    | http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/sminola
worldcontrol:~ # rm -rf /bin/laden

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