> Running your LRP program.  It is great!  I've setup a 2 boxes running
> ipsec and everything is working fine.  I've two small problems
> though.  I have installed the SSHD and WEBLET lrps.  They run fine but
both are
> painfully slow starting.  Starting a SSH session takes up to one minute
> and weblet has the same problem.  I'm thinking that it is some sort of
> resolving/DNS problem.  Once I'm in my SSH session using Putty is very
> fast.
> Any ideas?

I noticed that if you're running the SSH daemon on a 486 invoked by inetd,
it's normal that it takes nearly a minute before login screen appears. On
all these 486 boxes DNS resolution works great and every windows box in the
LAN is listed in /etc/hosts and resolves (so DNS stuff shouldn't be the
On a pentium based system, it's faster, but not fast. BUT If you start the
SSH daemon STAND-ALONE, it's VERY fast, even on a 486.
Perhaps you uncommented the ssh entry in /etc/inetd.conf and SSH is now
running via inetd?
If yes, the only thing you have to do is to comment it out again.

Hope this helps

Sandro Minola           | LEAF Developer (http://leaf.sourceforge.net)
http://www.minola.ch    | http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/sminola
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