"C. Dummy" wrote:

>  Sorry but I'm linux newbie.
>  Where I can get file
> ifdown
>  that would work with Dachstein. I need this file to release ip from nic on lrp
> box.
> Andrey

The network script will bring up or down any network card:
# svi network
Usage: network start|stop|reload
       network ifup|ifdown|ifreset eth0|eth1|eth2|all
       network ipfilter load|flush|reload
       network ipfilter list [input|output|forward|autofw|mfw|portfw]
       network ipfilter list masq|masquerade

you can also use the net command
# net
Usage: net start|stop|reload
       net ifup|ifdown|ifreset eth0|eth1|eth2|all
       net ipfilter load|flush|reload
       net ipfilter list [input|output|forward|autofw|mfw|portfw]
       net ipfilter list masq|masquerade

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