I'm hoping to get time in the near future to make a release version of the
floppy-based Dachstein firewall.  I am already planning on porting some of
the CD features (like support for pkgpath.cfg and lrpkg.cfg files) to the
floppy version, but I'm also strongly considering migrating the new backup
scripts to the floppy version as well.

While the support for partial backups is not nearly so critical when running
from floppy as when running from CD, it might be a useful feature in some
situations, and the new backup scripts support all features of the previous
scripts, so no functionality is lost.  The big advantage is consistency
across the floppy and CD release, making it easier to develop and maintain.
The main drawback is the potential for the new scripts to be confusing to a
new user, and the fact that much existing documentation will not properly
reflect the new backup mechanisms.

I'd like to hear from anyone who's used a recent Dachstein CD release and a
previous floppy release.  I'm specifically interested in how confusing (or
intuitive) you found the backup routines, and any thoughts or concerns you
might have about making the CD backup routines the 'standard issue' for all
flavors of Dachstein.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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