At 01:22 AM 10/14/01 +0930, Matt Brennan wrote:
>i'm using an eigerstein beasty on a remote firewall. after a few months 
>of robust and useful service (thanks charles!) with occasional remote 
>administration of port forwarding and dns stuff, i'd like to backup the 
>firewall in order to be able to create a new floppy image in case of 
>unfortunately, its pretty difficult for me to arrange physical access to 
>the box. so i'd like to ask, is there any feasible and safe way to make 
>a backup of the floppy? if i mount the floppy and use scp to suck down 
>the contents of the root directory, would this produce a suitable image?
>is this likely to cause any grief on the box? are there more sensible 
>ways (is there an LRP for rsync? would this be worthwhile?).

I think you want to do it a bit differently. 

1. Get the LEAF floppy to the state you want it in, with the usual backup

2. Use dd to make an image of the disk in the usual way. (This is the one
hardware issue; you need enough memory on the host for its (presumably)
RAM-based filesystem to be able to hold the image.)

3. scp the image to your offsite location.

If you try to work with the floppy's fliesystem, you won't get a good image
because you will not get the syslinux boot region. But if it is easier, you
can mount the floppy and simply back up the various .lrp packages. You can't
use them *directly* to create an image disk, but you can make a new image
from your offsite backup (or a fresh download) of whatever LEAF image you
started from, then replace its *.lrp packages with the ones you backed of
from your working router.

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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