Hey gang,

  I upgraded from an older version of LRP (E2B I believe) to Dachstein and 
reconfigured my local subnet to be 192.168.2.xxx.  Everything works in terms 
of machines being able to access the Internet etc.  I have IPSec (and the 
ipsec enabled kernel) loaded as well as sshd and Seawall.  I run in to 
trouble when it comes to port forwarding.  I was running seawall 3.2 
previously and upgraded to 4.1 and wasn't having any luck with port 
forwarding.  I reconfigured the local subnet to 192.168.1.xxx and port 
forwarding still wasn't happening.  I reverted back to 3.2 but the problem 
still persists.  Here is what I can tell

Ports are open in 4.1 or 3.2 doesn't matter - no error gets logged when 
someone tries to connect to my FTP for instance.  If I close the port the 
connection attempt gets logged.  But nothing actually goes through - it 
never hits the masqed machine.

I can't find autofw on my box.  Even weblet makes note of the fact that its 
not there (I'm not sure if it is even used any more).    Am I missing 
something - is it possible that Seawall doesn't work with this version?  It 
doesn't generate any errors when it is loading but if I run seawall status 
it shows the ports as being open but not redirected to any actual host


pkts bytes target     prot opt    tosa tosx  ifname    source               
destination           ports
Chain tcp-in (1 references):
    0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  ------ 0xFF 0x00  *                * ->   6699
    0     0 ACCEPT     tcp  ------ 0xFF 0x00  *                * ->   113


it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  Any help would be appreciated.


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