On Sun, 14 Oct 2001 23:36:34 EDT Simon wrote:

> Hey gang,
>   I upgraded from an older version of LRP (E2B I believe) to Dachstein and 
> reconfigured my local subnet to be 192.168.2.xxx.  Everything works in terms 
> of machines being able to access the Internet etc.  I have IPSec (and the 
> ipsec enabled kernel) loaded as well as sshd and Seawall.  I run in to 
> trouble when it comes to port forwarding.  I was running seawall 3.2 
> previously and upgraded to 4.1 and wasn't having any luck with port 
> forwarding.

 [big snip]

> Simon


This sounds alot like the problem I was having because port
forwarding module  isn't included in the dachstein-rc1 floppy image.
(See http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/7325/2001/10/0/6833646/ .)

You might want to try downloading ip_masq_portfw.o from


and load it using insmod (insmod ip_masq_portfw.o).  I think you may
need to restart networking (svi network restart) and seawall (seawall
restart) after loading it before port forwarding will work again.

If that fixes the problem, you can put that module in /lib/modules,
add a line with "ip_masq_portfw" to /etc/modules file, and backup the
modules package to make the change persistent.

FYI, there are other modules that didn't make it from ds-pr4, namely:

  ip_masq_autofw.o         ip_masq_cuseeme.o
  ip_masq_ftp.o            ip_masq_h323.o
  ip_masq_icq.o            ip_masq_irc.o
  ip_masq_mfw.o            ip_masq_portfw.o
  ip_masq_quake.o          ip_masq_raudio.o
  ip_masq_user.o           ip_masq_vdolive.o
  ip_masq_dplay.o          ip_masq_ipsec.o
  ip_masq_mms.o            ip_masq_pptp.o

I think most of these (all of them?) were in the E2B image as well.
Hope that's helpful.


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