> is most likely an Class A DHCP request. For some
> strange reason, since @HOME has been having random outages,
> reports of tons of these requests have been made all over. Funny
> thing is the bulk of the ones I've been getting are from a private
> class 10.6.1.x address. I just figured someone jacked up their Win2K
> config.... seems to happen often around here.

Windows servers spew DHCP replies out ALL their interfaces, not just the
interface the request arrived on.  When I see DHCP reply messages containing
private IP's where they don't belong, I usually assume some poor soul is
using windows for their internet firewall (and running a DHCP server on it
as well)...better them than me, I guess ;-)

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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