On Monday 10 December 2001 00:51, you wrote:
> Depending on the service provider the 10.x.x.x addresses could
> simply be the modems (as that is the usual IP scheme for @home
> modems - not nics) going through misconifgured ISP routers or
> something like that if it seems to be a problem for lots of
> customers.

Not here, the Speedstream 2100 modems use as they're
ip, but I assume that the 10./8 class is RR's internel servers addy's.
I call & get on their butts weekly about getting rid of the crappy
Win2K servers. They really don't seem to have a problem with them

I can remember a couple of years ago setting up Samba for the first
time w/o a firewall or router & accidentally taking over their SQL
database. That was a 10/8 addy. hehe, don't feel so bad about it
know in retrospect!!!

In any case, it's all web trash and should be safely denied with the 
added rule on eth0.

~Lynn Avants

if linux isn't the answer, you've got the wrong question        

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