At 02:37 PM 12/12/01 -0500, Dr. Richard W. Tibbs wrote:
>Answers in line below. Thx for this help, but still stymied.
[old stuff and html deleted]

OK. With the obvious stuff out of the way, how about this set of ideas?

1. Is the SuSE host running any firewalling of its own? On it, does
"ipchains -L -n" report anything interesting?

2. Do the logs on the DachStein router report any DENY'd or REJECT'd icmp
packets? Does "ipchains -L -n -v" report any rules that would seem to be
blocking the icmp traffic?

3. After you attempt and fail to ping the SuSE device, does the DachStein
router's arp table show an entry for the SuSE device? ("more
/proc/net/arp")? Does the SuSE host have an arp entry for the DachStein router?

4. This is a real long shot, but ... what is in
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all on the SuSE host? It's probably 0
[=FALSE], as it should be. If it is a 1 [=TRUE], change it to 0 (" echo 0 >
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all", I think) and see if that changes
your results.

5. Could the hub itself be bad? Do you have a crossover cable (or another
hub) you can use to connect the two hosts directly?

6. You mentioned "appropriate green led's" lighting up. Do the NICs and hub
ports have only "connect" LEDs, or do they have "traffic" LEDs as well?  If
they have both, do they all behave as expected?

7. Finally ... have you tried any connections other than pings? I don't know
what services the SuSE host is running, so I cannot be more specific here.

8. And plu-finally ... have you tried and failed in the other direction too?
Can the SuSE host ping, or or connect towhatever else is running in the way
of services on, the DachStein router?

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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