gc wrote:
> I've got a standard configuration: home network behind a cable modem.
> I've been running an old Eiger distribution for the past year without
> issue. Then I got caught up in the big AT&T migration last week and it
> screwed things up.
> Rather than troubleshoot such an old distribution, I figured I'd start over
> with the Dachstein v1.0.2 distribution. 

That's what I did for a friend.  We had Oxygen
running on his @Home rigged as a static IP setup
even though it's dhcp.

Then when they choked and became attbi (they never
should have merged with the white elephant Excite),
their dhcp is so touchy that I couldn't rely on the
static rig, and I went for dhcp.

Oxygen locked up during boot, after enabling
the correct nic modules and rebooting.

Doing the same on Dachstein rc2 gave him a perfectly
working system.  It was pretty spectacular, I must say.

> I followed the basic setup instructions,  but it didn't fix 
> my problem. Specifically, I can only ping a couple of hosts.

Describe exactly what you did and what you saw, if it's
still happeing and the DNS advice you got doesn't fix it.

> If I hook my win2k box directly to the cable modem, everything works fine.

Yea yea.  And if I suck Bill's cock, he might let me drink
from the river of wealth.

> The suspipcious thing is that my win2k box uses different IP and gateway
> addresses than the LEAF router (even though both use DHCP). So, I'm thinkin
> it's some sort of DHCP configuration problem.

Just so you know, it's common to get a new IP address and whatnot
when you switch systems (and thus mac addresses) and get a new lease.
I didn't have to touch a single dhcp setting to get my friend's
attbi.com system in Petaluma, CA to work.

> I messed around with the dhcpclient settings with no success. One thing I
> wondered was if I needed to update the domain name somewhere (since it
> changed from home.com to attbi.com), but I couldn't find anything that 
> looked relevant.

I thought I was going to have to labor through something like
that, but instead it was butter. 

Good Luck,

> Any other former excite@home users go through this?
> Anybody else have any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance.

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