--- Matt Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gc wrote:
> > 
> Describe exactly what you did and what you saw, if
> it's
> still happeing and the DNS advice you got doesn't
> fix it.

o Downloaded Dachstein 1.0.2 distribution
o Loaded it onto a floppy
o Selected appropriate modules for my NIC cards 
  in /etc/modules (8390 and ne2k)
o Commented out the masq_quake module
o Tried to enable a serial port console in
  (which didn't work, btw, but i'll figure that out
   some other day)
o Backed up /etc
o Added a "send host-name" line to dhclient.conf
o Backed up dhclient

o Rebooted
o Observed the DHCP sequence go through successfully
o Examined IP address and routing table. Nothing
  apparently out of the ordinary.
o The 'ip route' command showed an entry that said
  something like this: <...> src

  o I could not ping (what I believe 
    should be my next hop router, yes?)
  o I could ping
  o I could not ping any other nodes

(Sorry I don't have exact IP addresses. I'm at work
 at the moment. I can supply them tonight if it would
 be helpful)

> > If I hook my win2k box directly to the cable
> modem, everything works fine.
> Yea yea.  And if I suck Bill's cock, he might let me
> drink
> from the river of wealth.

Now, now...that wasn't a jab...i was simply making the
point that the problem appears to be on my end.

> Just so you know, it's common to get a new IP
> address an whatnot
> when you switch systems (and thus mac addresses) and
> get a new lease.
> I didn't have to touch a single dhcp setting to get
> my friend's
> attbi.com system in Petaluma, CA to work.

That gives me an idea. I know someone who had a
problem when they unplugged their old computer from
the cable modem and plugged a new one in. Turned out
the system 'remembered' their MAC address and would
only give them one IP address (in that case, though,
DHCP was failing). The technician told them to power
down the modem for five minutes and that cleared it
up. I don't fully understand why, but there it is.

modem for five minutes. I'm not sure why that seemed

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