Just downloaded the floppy .bin , built a 1680 fd (on suse box)
popped it in the Aptiva doorstop, and away we went!
This is truly cookin' as a firewall.
My hat goes off to all of you.

I still had to replace the natsemi.o module with my own compiled a few 
days ago. Not sure what would be different, but my natsemi.o is about 2K 
bytes larger than the one that ships in your current image.
(most important it works for my fa311 boards.)

Alltogether a fantastic accomplishment.
I am writing this from the e-e-evil windoze box, but soon we will have
  a more purely linux network here.

Thanks again.

Kenneth Hadley wrote:

> Announcement - DachStein PPPoE
> EigerStein2BETA PPPoE v.0.4 is officially discontinued from the viewpoint of
> its maintainer (which is me).
> With the release of DachStein and a combined CDROM/Floppy aproach a new
> Image is available from my site that contains PPPoE suport based on the
> DachStein v.1.02 image available at
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/cstein/files/diskimages/dachstein/dachstei
> n-v1.0.2-1680.bin
> Also for those who whould like to use DachStein v.1.02 CD I have
> instructions on my web site on how to setup the CD image with PPPoE support
> (these instructions are how the Diskette image on my site was created)
> If you would like to use either the DachStein v.1.02 PPPoe Diskette image or
> would like to read instructions on how to setup PPPoE with the DachStein
> v.1.02 CD please visit my site.
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/khadley/
> If anyone has any problems or suggestions please hesitate to email me =)
> ______________________
> Kenneth Hadley
> LEAF developer
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> Leaf-user mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/leaf-user

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