gc wrote:
> It looks like Charles and Dan nailed it.
> My ISP seemed to be keying off of the MAC address.
> When I spoofed the router's MAC address (as per Charles'
> instructions below), it was able to get a good IP address.
> It still bugs me, though, that the ISP WAS giving me an IP
> address, just not a good one. I guess they just didn't want
> to make it easy on me :)
> Now, I guess I'll try figuring out how to get my ISP to accept
> the new MAC address. Or, I guess I can just change the MAC address
> as the router boots.
> Thanks for the good ideas, gentlemen. And thanks to Charles
> for the Dachstein release - wonderfully simple and easy to use.

[ snip ]

Good!  You're making progress . . .

I suggest that you post the contents of: /var/state/dhcp/dhclient.leases
from Dachstein *after* it negotiates _both_ a good and a bad lease. 
Make certain that you reboot the firewall in between, so the file is
clean each time.

Then, for grins, bootup on the w2k box.  Once you successfully negotiate
a good lease, goto a dos prompt and do this:

        ipconfig /release

Then, unplug that box from the cable modem and plug in your powered OFF
firewall.  Turn that ON, see what happens and if that doesn't
successfully negotiate a good lease, publish a third instance of

Unfortunately, the isp-end hardware for att.broadband is so diverse
throughout the country that this great variation obtains.  In my case, I
couldn't successfully negotiate a good lease until I *stopped* sending
the client-id.  Prior to the transition, I could not negotiate a good
lease *without* the client-id ;>

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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