begin Matthew Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > unfortunately, i'm configuring the firewall right now (as in setting up
> > the networking parameters) so ssh doesn't work quite yet.  a keyboard
> > would be useful.   :-)
> Dachstein 1.0.2 is called Dachstein Firewall for
> the good reason that it comes complete.  It is
> well enough written, including QoS, that you
> can get by to start with using it, as long as
> you use for your internal network.
> Want a DMZ too?  Not a problem.  Want a different
> firewall?  There's Shorewall, Echowall, rcf, and pfw.
> The first uses iptables, the last three use ipchains.
question -- i'm thinking of going back to seawall.  when using a
different firewall package, i assume dachstein has no way of knowing
a priori you're using another firewalling package?

i assume the firewall packages simply wipe all ipchains, all port
forwards and start fresh?
> > on the upside, boot time is now cut by a third.  
> People rarely reboot the firewall.  So boot speed
> is not that significant, though using a cdrom
> to load all your packages is what's fast.
i rebooted between eigerstein and dachstein like crazy, since i needed
to access the internet to get help and read tutorials.

remember -- i'm new at this, and it took me an awful long time and alot
of trial and error to get dachstein working.

yes, i know /afterwards/ the firewall doesn't get booted much.

> > and my firewall would be able to accept/reject packets
> Yes, but how much quicker than the P66?

well, actually that was a joke that you apparently didn't get.

but now that you mention it, yes.  i'm completely convinced that my net
connectivity is faster.   i know what conventional wisdom says; you
share in that view point.

however, i spend alot of time at the computer, and the difference IS
noticeable.  my girlfriend noticed it too.

> Good luck.  I was sort of wondering what's
> going on, because the latest DF is so slick that
> it comes right up in about 30 mins, if you've set 
> one of these up before

you hit the

> and know your network.conf,

nail on

> and your modules.conf.

the head.


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