Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> begin Doug O'Halloran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > a few early morning thoughts:
> > -if booting with CD as source, why not back up anything newer than the
> > CD creation date?  I'm sure there's _some_ combination of actions that'd
> > break under this(ie. updated *.LRP packages on floppy/HD with files
> > older than CD's write time, but newer than CD's package), but for the
> > most part, it *might* do the job.
> wouldn't this cause your changed files (ie- /etc/network.conf) to be a
> candidate for backup whether you recently modified them or not?  

Yes, you are correct, any/all files with creation/modified dates after
the CD is cut would be candidates, but isn't this what is needed?  I
have to be able to get back to the exact config. state in the event of a

I guess what's needed here is a clear definition of 'backup', or at
least the types of backups required.  Given that the backup scripts have
to recreate the *.LRP package completely(or.. partial-completely(?) with
the new DS scripts), all files to be included in the package have to be
backed up whether they've changed or not.  

I've wondered why we couldn't have a different backup option to create a
single *.LRP package of only the changed files of the complete system
(ie. my ssh keys, ipsec configs, /etc/'whatevers'..) and load it last. 
I've also thought of a few scenarios where this'd break things, so am
still scratching my head.

> i think the only people this would work for is people who burned 
> custom cd's and don't use the boot/backup floppy.

I beg to differ, I think the only people who couldn't use this would be
the floppy-only ones, being the ones who couldn't take advantage of
partial backups to a different media location.  Otherwise, most packages
have to be fully backed up to make it viable anyways.  

The one thing that *may* help would be to have the backup parse through
the files to be included looking for the newest file, prior to making
the tarball & compare the date/time stamp with the date of the package
on the backup destination (if it exists).  If the newest file is older,
suggest to the user that there's no need to back it up, otherwise do it.

> > - why not have a 'backup package' that builds MD5 sums of current *.LRP
> > packages and is the last to be backed up?  Upon initiating a backup,
> > it'd at least identify if the package is truly different from the last
> > time & thus needs to be backed up.
> might be doable.  and easy to implement.  the only downside i can see is
> that it might take awhile for those of us running firewalls/routers on
> rather old machines.   other than that, i like this idea.

Agreed, I think the overhead wouldn't be worth it.  Why not just store a
list of 'pkgname date/time size' in the backup package and reference it

> pete

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