
        Heya. Interesting question. I think the best way to
compare and contrast the different firewall-setup packages
is to ask the authors what their intent was for providing it.
I know I built echoWall with a "target user" in mind, and
if you're the target user, and you're not interested...then
I guess I came up short. :)

        FWIW, the target user of echoWall is the beginner
to intermediate user of LRP/LEAF systems who wants a solid
foundation with a *high level* customization capability. See,
echoWall contains pre-setups for 35 applications that require
firewall and port-forward customizations: NetMeeting, VNC,
Asheron's Call, UnReal Tourney, PPTP, etc. A user would simply
have to tell echoWall what apps they want to run, and on what
machine, and the scripts handle the rest.

        If you want to run an app that's *not* in my list...
echoWall becomes more difficult to configure than the stock
firewall in ES/Dachstein/Oxygen or Tom's Seawall/Shorewall
packages. In addition to providing a solid foundation, those
packages (from what I understand having seen but not used them)
sport a very flexible means of allowing the user to specify the
very low-level details of their firewall. So if you were proxy-
arp'ing your external interface to a DMZ'd server and wanted
good packet accounting...you'd be using the right package.

        Hope that answers your question! I'd be interested in
hearing what the other package providers think about the
"target user" thing.


On 5 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Now, this is me responding without doing any sort of reading on
> Echowall, but here goes anyway.  I'm currently using Oxygen with
> Seawall, and it seems to have what I need it to: port-forwarding to
> internal servers, DMZ and some sort of VPN support (although I need to
> figure it out and start).
> What makes Echowall different from Seawall (or Shorewall, which I
> haven't used either)?
> Wyatt

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