On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Mike Sussman wrote:

> Folks,
> Since I posted my earlier message, I have begun to see this kind of
> thing repeatedly.  For the past 24 hours, my logs contain over 1000
> lines of such packets!  By that I mean, if I discard all lines that are
> identical to one another except for the T= field, my file goes from
> 1177 denied packets to 47 denied packets.  They are NOT all 
> port 111 packets--some are port 111, some are port 22, port 21,
> port 53, and port 0 (PROTO 1).  And they seem to have many different
> source IP's as well.

Sounds like someone is throwing a book at you.

>  I have NEVER seen anything like this over the past year.

Can't say I have either.  But the decreasing T field 

You might ought to look at the various ip numbers they do come from. If
they are all in the same network, they might be from different dynamically
assigned ip addresses for the same machine.  If they are not on the same
network, they might more likely be from multiple cracked machines.  Or
they could be from someone on your subnet, forging source ips.

>  I changed from ES2B to D-floppy about two weeks ago.  I have
> rebooted since these started.
> Is it possible that I have a bug somewhere and these log entries are all
> from the same packet?  Is it possible that someone on my cable 
> subnet is doing something bad to me?

It is possible that someone is trying.  It is also possible that they
might eventually succeed if they are allowed to continue indefinitely, so
don't ignore it.  Send messages to the abuse address for the source
network(s), describing the nature of the attacks, and including extracts
long enough to support the patterns you have identified.  Keep in mind the
spoofing option, though... they might be able to tell you those packets
are not leaving their network.  The character of the packets is not
normal, though.

I found
http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/incidents/2000-05/0047.html, but I
am not sure why someone would want to do a camouflaged traceroute to you
repeatedly, on separate ports.  The camouflage is that any packet whose
time-to-live (ttl, or T=) runs out before it reaches you will generate an
icmp packet they can use to identify routers between you and them.  The
usual non-icmp traceroute uses incrementing UDP ports typically (but not
always) in the range 33434 and up, with TTL values increasing instead of
decreasing. Your symptoms could be consistent with the sender starting
with a ttl>39, and quickly sending a burst of packets, and watching the
icmp "ttl exceeded" messages for the packets with ttls that ran out before
getting to you.  It would be a flaky system though because the packets are
sent so close together that routers could drop packets.

Again, I don't know what this _means_, but it might help explain parts of
what you are seeing.

You might find http://www.robertgraham.com/pubs/firewall-seen.html useful
in a general sense.  And http://www.samspade.org for learning more about
the source ips and the networks they belong to.

> >Folks, I have begun receiving (and denying) long sequences of packets and I
> >am wondering what is going on.
> >I am running Dachstein 1.0.2 floppy on a 486/33 with 16MB.  VERY nice!
> >Thanks Charles and so many others.  I am on a cable connection with
> >Adelphia, from which I generally get good service.
> >Starting several days ago I began receiving long sequences of packets.  For
> >example, I received the following:
> >Jan 17 10:27:25 boxer kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=6 
> > L=60 S=0x00 I=4296 F=0x4000 T=39 SYN 
> >(#62)
> >This packet is suspicious in itself, but I also received 38 more like it 
> >with 
> >the same time stamp (10:27:25), identical in all fields except the T= 
> >field.  That one contained the numbers 1-38 for each of the other
> >packets.  They appear in order, decreasing from 39 to 1, in
> > /var/log/messages.
> -- 
>                        Mike Sussman
>                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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