> OK, we have successfully built a couple DCD-DCD tunnels.  We are still
> learning how to get full windoze functionality across the tunnels.  Is
> it possible for a w2k-pro box to join (first time) a domain on a
> w2k-adv-svr across this tunnel?

Hmm...I think so.  You'll probably need to make sure you've got WINS setup
properly, and you might have to 'kickstart' things by using IP addresses, or
lmhosts entries at first.  Once your part of the domain, normal browsing
will work across the VPN.

> Now, we are tasked to carry this further and we have several questions.
> Tasks:
> [A] Create three (3) gateway-gateway tunnels:
>     1) Remote network, server & windoze boxen management (us);
>     2) Remote Mac server & desktop management; and
>     3) Remote accounting system.
> [B] Create infrastructure whereby windoze notebook users can remotely
> use the internal network & servers, as if they are local, including
> application usage and file access.
> Questions:
> [C] How many connections are possible under DCD?  ip addr shows four (4)
> interfaces: ipsec0,1,2,3

This is a frequent cause of confusion...the ipsec interfaces correspond to
physical interfaces, not tunnels.  You won't need more than 4 ipsec
interfaces, unless you've got more than 4 physical interfaces you want to be
sending VPN data over (unlikely).  You'll probably only need ipsec0, which
will be paired with your main upstream interface.  You can run almost
arbitrary numbers of tunnels over this single ipsec interface.  NOTE:  To
the first approximation (as long as you're not getting into the hundreds or
thousands of connections), additional tunnels are 'free' in terms of
CPU...the bulk of the CPU usage for ipsec comes from encrypting/decrypting
the data, not from keeping track of the tunnels.  Therefore, you measure CPU
requirements mainly based on your available bandwidth, not by how many
tunnels you want to support.  More details in the FreeS/WAN documentation...

> [D] What resources ought we to read right now, in preparation for this?
> Yes, we know about
> <http://freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-1.91/doc/index.html>.
> Please, post other web links.

That's the big one...they've got several pages of additional links within
the documentation, as well.

> [E] What are the limitations, now, that we must present to our customer?

Windows networking is not designed to work well across subnets, or WAN's.
Name resolution and GUI browsing is problematic, and requires specific
network structures to work properly (note: SAMBA can enable additional
functionality, such as spanning a work-group across a WAN, that MS products
can't/don't support).  Also, the MS networking protocols are not
particularly bandwidth efficient, or designed well to work across WAN's
(with high latency/packet loss)...make sure you MAP remote network resources
rather than simply browsing to them...for some reason access is orders of
magnitude faster that way.

Macs probably have issues with networks crossing routers, but this is
outside my experience.

Administration can get complex with any VPN (espeically with road-warriors),
so make sure the tools are available to support the admin load you expect.
Also, you may not be able to implement the fancier security policies (ie
authentication based on bio-metrics, the random-number-generating
credit-card sized keys, smart cards, etc) supported by some of the
higher-end commercial products.  This may or may not concern you or your

> [F] What are the alternatives?

There's at least one alternate linux implementation of IPSec, and there's
always BSD.  Of course, you can also choose to go with one of the many
commercial solutions, ranging from software only to hardware VPN gateways.

In general, you'll get nicer administration tools (like a pretty GUI
interface), and better support with the commercial solutions, but you'll be
paying a lot more money, as well.  You'll have to decide what works best for
your environment.

> [G] Those experienced with windoze road warriors, how can this be made
> totally transparent to the users?  Can they really believe that they are
> still inside their internal network, with *all* local functionality?

Yes, although if you're using windows systems to directly connect to the VPN
(ie not a remote office going through a VPN gateway), you'll probably want
some commercial software to make setup easier.  I've heard good things about
SSH Sentinel, but there are many other windows IPSec clients available.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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