> I have been keeping up with all of the lists for quite some time and have
> been doing a considerable amount of research on the LEAF site, yet I am
> either not finding what I am looking for or I am still shamelessly confused.
> First, I will detail what I am trying to accomplish then I will attempt to
> list my questions in some semblance of order. I am still a, relatively, new
> user of Linux. Your patience is appreciated...
> Below is the foundation that I need for my project:
> 2.4.x kernel
> iproute2
> iptables
> ipv4 and ipv6
> gnu zebra
> openssh
> frees/wan
> On with the questions...
> 1) Is their currently a LEAF distro using the 2.4.x kernel and glibc 2.1.3?

There is some experimental going on with Dachstein that I believe meets this criteria:

> 2) I was looking at Bering until I realized that it was using glibc 2.0.x
> and then I found that it also did not have all of the kernel features that I
> wanted. I have not been able to find the page with that information again.
> Could someone provide me with a pointer to that page?

See above...when you "loose" a page like that, start looking through the developer 
pages on LEAF...saddly, they're not indexed real
well yet...

> 3) If their is a distro that I want to use but want to replace the kernel
> with my own is it as simple as compile kernel, apply patches, copy to disk
> as "linux"?

Basically, yes.  You have to watch out, however, to make sure you get *all* the 
patches.  With a 2.4 kernel, you probably won't be
using the LRP patches (linuxrc-always, and initrd-archive), so will need an intial 
ramdisk that takes this into account...

> 4) David Douthitt had stated that the LRP patches were no longer needed in
> some situations. It was my understanding that they were what made LRP what
> it was and were the foundation of LEAF. If someone could explain this I
> would greatly appreciate it.

See the developer list archives...in summery, these patches allow the kernel to boot 
using a tar.gz archive as an initial ramdisk,
while the "normal" kernel requires a gzipped filesystem image.  Fundamentally, the LRP 
patches mainly make backing-up and editing
the initial ramdisk easier, but don't really allow you to do anything you can't do 
with a stock kernel (hence the fact that these
patches never made it into the mainstream kernel).

> 5) Does the version of glibc on your machine have an affect when compiling
> the kernel?

No...the kernel does *not* use any libc functions...it is fully self-containted.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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