Due to a couple of requests on the list, I stripped Dachstein and
have made a couple of custom DF-ipsec-enabled floppy images.
These have been kept in the 1680KB size format.

Both have the dnscache, weblet, and readme packages stripped and 
the ipsec, mawk, and ifconfig packages added as necessary.  The
small-ipsec kernel is used w/o ide support.

For an external static setup, this image has dhcpd, but not dhclient:

For an external dhcp setup, this image has dhclient, but not dhcpd:

I have tested the dhclient image, but not the dhcpd image ... the only
difference between the two is what package could be crammed
in and leave a little room for configuration. All images use standard
Dachstein packages and scripts, so that's where the docs are
for the time being :)


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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