At 2002-02-17 17:57 +0800, Vic Berdin wrote:
>Sorry to bug you guys like this, and it's a sunday! Anyways, I'm really
>desperate. I've already sent a message to the LEAF user mailing list,
>and still awaiting any replies. I'm having a permission denied problem
>if I run "pppd" using a non-root account. This is the reason why I can't
>log (dial-in) non-root accounts into my Dachstein box. If I were to
>change the property of the binary to execute on all users (chmod 777
>pppd), I get a "-pppd: must be root to run -pppd, since it is not
>setuid-root" message. If I change the permission further in order to get
>a suid bit (chmod 4755 pppd), the said message remains, and more than
>that, the binary will fail to work at all.
>This problem applies to all pppd v2.3.xx found on the LEAF site.
>Are there any special requirements on the accounts that I must create in
>order for pppd (or login???) to accept my dial-in attemps?

Have you diffed the old /etc/ppp/options file against the new one? I did a 
quick search on Google for possible solutions. I hope this helps.


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